Venture forth?

"For those we have lost."



warrior of light
s u n s p o t

Guided by the light of the crystal, a young man's heart glows as warmly as his smile.With hands outstretched to guide his fellow man and strike down the darkness that threatens this realm, A'vett bears the weight of being mankind's protector with joy and love, unconditional. However, the scars upon his flesh are not the only ones he carries—born to poverty and strife, he remains steadfast in his duty to protect all... Even those who have wronged him and continue to do so still.For if he cannot bear the torch which guides this realm and right the wrongs made when the world was whole, who will?

short info

NICKNAME. avi, vett
AGE. 19 → 23 (ARR → DT)
PRONOUNS. he/him
GENDER. cis male
RACE. 3/4 miqo'te (seeker), 1/4 hrothgar (lost)
CLASS. sunspot (MNK + DRK)
SEXUALITY. bisexual
HEIGHT. 5 fulms, 2 ilms
ALIGNMENT. neutral good
A̴͉Z̸͕̉Ĕ̴̳M̵̳.̸̔ ☉︎           Δ̶͔̒ Ć̸̻͒Ħ̷̘͘Ɨ̸̂͜ Ł̵̮̌Ł̸̈́ͅƗ̵̛͇€̶̮̚ Ş̸͈ ̷̺͐Ş̵̩͊Ɨ̷̼͂Ň̷̐ Ć̸̠͊€̸͎͂Ř̷͛ €̷̞͋ ̵̪̽Ł̵̜̀Ø̵̙͑V̶́€̶̺̀

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An extrovert and walking ray-of-sunshine, A'vett ventures into the world with an earnest smile and a genuine heart of gold. Despite the hardships faced amidst his journey, he has maintained hope and optimism for every tribulation that has yet to come his way. While his he's well-intentioned, his heroic nature leaves him a target for many looking to exploit his sincere naivety and emotional impulsivity.


LIKES Cooking (& eating!)
Running errands
Long Conversation
New friends

✘ Prolonged silence
✘ Staying idle
✘ Being underestimated
✘ Ears being touched

character behavior

Despite his difficult upbringing and occasional mistreatment from fellow town's children, A’vett grew up with an outlook many would deem childish and immature; despite the hardships thrust upon him, he has always retained an almost unreasonably positive outlook for life and his fellow man. He’s described as jovial, as his intentions are largely good-hearted, despite his acute naivety. Flirting, insults, and passive aggressiveness appear to fly right over his head, but whether this is due to true or feigned ignorance isn't always clear. Sometimes he speaks too directly, but this is due to his aforementioned naivety—most of what he blurts out is not typically said with any true malice.While he's difficult to enrage, A'vett's most notable trigger is any action taken to directly belittle or attack his chosen loved ones. Anger and/or irritation usually leave him at a loss for words, resulting in violent physical outbursts—these range from a mere slam of a door to directly confronting lethal danger. Thankfully, rage isn’t something that regularly overtakes him—however, he is equally unequipped to cope with sorrow. If possible, he will lock himself away from others as opposed to seeking aid when he's distressed—the mere idea that his misery may burden others perpetuates this behavior.A’vett has an affectionately kind, but loud demeanor—his enthusiasm and contentment are sometimes regarded as contagious by others. While he’s ever the optimist, he is capable of appraising dire situations with respect—though, this does wrack up his nerves quite a bit and tends to leave him at a loss for words for fear of sounding foolish in contrast to his wiser peers. His opinions or thoughts holding weight to his fellow adventurers still appears to befuddle him—he picks his words as carefully as he can, only wishing to do right by those he cares for.

Extra / Trivia

  • Born to a single and doting father, A’sahrah Faaye, who loves his son dearly. A'vett reunited with him shortly before his first voyage to Sharlayan, and his father continues to wait patiently for his visits to Aleport.

  • Faaye was his father's former name as a tribal Hhetsarro of Shaaloani. Shortly before his departure of Tural for Limsa Lominsa, he took on an inconspicuous moniker to avoid questioning and discussion of his origin.

  • A'sahrah was kind, patient, and resilient despite the hardships he faced as a single father in an unfamiliar land. Despite his struggle, he doesn’t have a bad word to say in regard to A’vett’s estranged father. However, he hopes that A'vett doesn’t actively seek him out, fearing he will only be hurt.

  • A’vett’s estranged father, F’enris Tia, came from a clan of well-to-do Miqo’te sailors and merchants. While they were relatively non-traditional, straying from the clan for those with meager to no wealth was frowned upon, and thus F’enris abandoned A’sahrah with child.

  • A'sahrah's connection to F'enris is how A'vett first ventured from Aleport to Vesper Bay. Despite the emotional strain, both of his fathers were proud to see him off.

  • F'enris was wed and fathered another son soon after ending his relationship with A'sahrah. A'vett finally encountered his half-brother, F'lut Tia, for the first time shortly after arriving in Kugane.

  • Didn’t have many friends as a child, but often physically defended other children from their bullies, even if it would doubtlessly result in injury upon himself. He always managed to smile when all was said and done—bruises, blood, and all. This obviously managed to greatly exacerbate his father's stress in A'vett's youth.

  • Due to A'sahrah's rejection of Hhetsarro tradition and disinterest in understanding Eorzean Miqo'te traditions, A'vett is rather timid around tribal Miqo’te and Hhetsarro.

  • Greatly enjoys applying and wearing makeup. While he enjoys and prefers being perceived as a masculine person, he has no issue embracing anything seen a 'traditionally feminine.' He enjoys being a rough-and-tumble warrior, but takes pride in his physical self-expression.

  • Finds great joy in cooking, as it reminds him of his father. Taking up the pan, he has become a skilled culinarian.


Born to a single father in the streets of Aleport, A’vett was brought up humbly, developing into a rambunctious and extroverted child with boundless empathy. In his earliest days, he did not fully realize the strife he had been born into, happy to simply have food in his belly, a place to sleep, and his dear father to keep him. Even as his status and struggle became more apparent to him, he didn’t decry his poverty—he simply pushed forward, joyfully, with all the cards dealt to him by fate.Wanting little more than to help his struggling father, A’vett made it a habit to find any job in need of dedicated work—and was extremely persistent in these endeavors, regularly receiving firm refusals outright. These endeavors and attempts occasionally resulted in mild bodily harm—however, bodily harm was more often a result of A’vett’s altruistic nature, as he took to defending other children from their bullies. Despite his actions leaving himself a target, he took pride in knowing he could protect others, even at the expense of his own safety—much to the dismay of his father.As a teenager, A’vett worked hard to teach himself to read and write at the request of his father. As a chef, his father guaranteed his son a position in the kitchen he himself was employed at—if A'vett did his due diligence and learned more than what little his father could. His studies did little more than give him a means of reading and writing, though these skills remained quite limited for A'vett at the time. The makeshift education was eventually enough to satisfy A'vett's father, who allowed the young boy to work by his side. However, after The Calamity, A’vett found his attention from his previously comfortable, mundane, and routine life waning.The chaos catalyzed a shift in A’vett’s behavior from simple contentment with his station in life to an indescribable longing, which appeared to stamp out his previously loud, joyful, and energetic personality. The teenage Miqo'te began to find little satisfaction in the things that once brought him a great sense of accomplishment and joy, often lost in thought and regularly unable to meet his father’s eye. Noticing this, A’vett’s father contemplated his son's passive dismay for months before settling on the only thing he believed his previously joyful son would find happiness in—an adventure.

Despite restrictions in travel, he had the connections and means to set A’vett off to Ul’dah to begin his life-changing journey—though the means did dig deep into his pockets. Initially declining the proposition at the possibility of burdening his father further, A’vett was eventually swayed by his father's insistence.Thus, he was sent off with love and well wishes, marking the inception of his pilgrimage towards The Steps of Ul’dah.

ooc / rp info

♥ ; WU/T friendly! Does not have to be IC. I'd love to say hi!
♥ ; Conflicts in lore can be discussed. Please ask!
♥ ; Shipping accepted! A'vett is a multiship OC. Do not attempt to ship if that's not okay with you.
♥ ; AUs welcome! Let's discuss first.
♥ ; No bigots / needlessly hateful people.
♥ ; I prefer to interact with other 21+ folks. Minors DNI.
♥ ; Not interested in ERP.


Help ✧

Ever eager to assist someone in need, A'vett exudes a warmth that seems easy to approach—if his visibly jovial disposition hasn't put you off. Might you you require brief directions or some hired help?

  • “How long have you been looking for a hand around here? No worries, I've got you covered!”

Spar ✧

A skilled monk, A'vett makes sure to train as often as possible to maintain his proficiency in the martial arts. Are you perhaps in need of a training partner to spar with?

  • “The hand-to-hand part is easy, actually — it's the meditation that takes more practice. For me, at least!”

Chef ✧

Inspired by his father, A'vett has become highly skilled in the culinary arts (after some growing-pains). Perhaps one of you would like to offer your latest, fancy cooking endeavor?

  • “They say food tastes better when it's shared, so I hope you like it!”

Tutor ✧

Having been entirely self-taught in some reading and writing until only recently, A'vett tries hard these days to catch up to most of his peers. While he's got the hang of most basics, perhaps you've offered to further tutor him?

  • “I didn't have the chance before, to study and learn... But now I do. So, I might as well make up for lost time, right?”

Errand ✧

Though he's regularly sent on fetch-quests, A'vett's glad to find an opportunity to visit the local marketplaces and browse. Are you both in the market for something similar today?

  • “Oh! Are you making spicy shakshouka too? Do you know where I might pick up some nutmeg?”


Hey, I'm AJ!
27 ○ ○ HE/HIM

I've been playing FFXIV casually for three to four years and enjoying every moment of it, from the canon content to building on A'vett. My experience RPing anything FFXIV related is limited. Please be patient!Feel free to reach out to me in-game or through Twitter DMs! I'm always happy to let A'vett take the wheel. I'm here for hurt/comfort, building bonds, and trauma.

Thanks for reading!
I hope you enjoy A'vett as much as I do. :)